About Me

February 10, 2024

Teapots and Trees.

Two my favorite things in this print ~ a teapot for warm tea and beautiful trees that grace our Earth. We have many teapots in our tiny cottage ~ I may have to do a post one day showing each of them and why we chose them. And of course, the cottage is surrounded by trees. We literally live in a little forest. As I look out my window, I see snow on branches for the bit we got the other night and it looks like, a bit from last night. So pretty! When we lived in town, we always chose houses that had trees so we could imagine we lived in the country. Now we do and I love their towering presence, though sometimes when the wind is high, it can be a bit scary. We watch our trees all the time and have a company that comes in to cut down the ones that look like they'll fall over in a breeze. Hate cutting them. Safety is key.

It's been a busy week and today is a bit quieter, but still busy. While I have a counselling session this afternoon with a lovely client, dh and dd are going to get our groceries for the week. Then they'll pick me up and I need to find my Country Living magazine for January, then shop for a baby gift for a friend, then back to our centre to drop off the supplies from our Music Club that we had last night. Home to unpack, make dinner and then another Oilers hockey game tonight. That's my sweet spot to cozy up on the couch and write. Or dream. Or nap. The possibilities are endless!

What are your plans on this fine Saturday?

~ Chy

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