About Me

February 18, 2024

Right Here. Right Now.

"When climbing a mountain, what is the secret?
You must never forget to keep looking up, and
never lose sight of your destination through
keeping your eyes fixed on your goal. So too
it is with life: you must make it your mission
to find what is truly important in life and keep
your focus on that alone, for you may think that
the outside world is where you exist, but your
thoughts are where you truly live."

Words by Tahlia Hunter

What I'm wearing .... golden brown cord leggings with my favorite April Cornell soft, velvety short dress. Curly hair today, and a touch of make up. All brought together by my lovey's Valentine gift to me ~ a sweet heart shaped necklace. Warm socks on a sunny Family Day Long Weekend.

What I'm reading .... ADHD 2.0. Suggested by my counsellor.

What's happening in my kitchen .... we have invited our neighbors down the lane for dinner to celebrate Family Day. We're having a Pasta Bar, followed by a Dessert Bar ~ can't wait to enjoy yummy food and great company!

What's outside my window .... a sunny, warm February day.

What I'm thankful for .... my family, my home, my friends and our community. Feeling blessed, safe and loved.

What I'm smelling .... dinner cooking. And a candle burning.

What I'm hearing .... laughter as dh and dd cook together.

What I'm crafting .... a tiny document to put in a sweet frame listing dinner options for tonight.

What's on my mind .... my mom's health, the many projects we're working on, announcements that need to be made this week, and our big anniversary in the Summer. A mix of good, exciting, not so great and lots of hard work coming up!

Words to live by .... the quote for today is above. Tahlia Hunter is my favorite. Hope you enjoy this week's quote.

Having an amazing week!

~ Chy

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