About Me

May 2, 2024

The Big Project ....

We've been keeping our "big project" under wraps but now that we have the keys to our new space, bits and pieces of our journey can be shared. Yesterday, we had the keys in hand just before lunch and within an hour, we had already set up our tools and started taking down the big wall in the third photos with the tall shelves still attached. That wall is now gone! And all the other pieces we needed to tackle are done too. Tucked away into the dumpster that will be carted away. Studs to come down, the electrical that we don't need has been disconnected and now we are ready for the contractors to come in and rebuild the inside. Our outdoor space is under review as well. Visiting other sites and lots of research has given us some great ideas. Now to make sure they fit within our budget. Funding was provided for our build and the items we need but my big job now is ensuring we don't spend it all before the project is complete. Exciting!

Do you have any big projects you're working on?

~ Chy

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