About Me

October 30, 2022

Blogtober: Day 29.

Right Here. Right Now.

What I'm wearing .... pyjama bottoms, matching jersey top, comfy oversized cardigan and matching socks. All ready to settle in for a bit of a break from a very busy weekend and a super productive day. Now, we chill!

What I'm reading .... the following magazines I borrowed from the library: Britain (The Official Magazine) x 2, Daphne's Diary x 2, Country Woman x 1 and Mother Earth Living x 1. I have to take them back to the library soon so trying to finish up my reads.

What's happening in my kitchen .... dh made a lovely Sunday dinner and he's now putting all the dishes in the dishwasher. Soon the hum will begin and the kitchen will be closed.

What's outside my window .... blue sky, breezy wind, warm air and whispy thin trees now that most of all the pretty leaves have fallen to the ground.

What I'm thankful for .... a warm cottage, the ending of our landscaping for this season, the extra projects that we set for Spring 2023 but tackled because the weather has been so amazing, a good car so I can drive our granddaughter to school in the morning and then take our son over to his dealership to see if they figured out what is wrong with his car ~ hoping the news is good as budgets are tight.

What I'm smelling .... the sweet smell of the buns that he baked. The kitchen still smells lovely!

What I'm hearing .... my family on a video link while I'm writing and we're all laughing so hard.

What I'm crafting .... Halloween thingy's.

What's on my mind .... our son's car, the tragedy in Korea, all the things I hope to do on my holidays, and NOT work!!

Words to live by .... see the quote above. 

Having an amazing week!

~ Chy

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