About Me

September 17, 2023

Right Here. Right Now.


What I'm wearing .... late day shower after working outside for a good part of the day, so my hair is down and damp. Wearing my big grey lined socks (so warm), my Halloween leggings (Sweetlegs), my long flowy black jersey shirt (Sweetlegs) and my oversized grey knit cardigan. It was almost 25 degrees Celcius today but tonight I'm feeling pretty chilly. The sun is setting, night is on it's way.

What I'm reading .... design blogs for ideas for our new space. So much to think about and we feel like we only have one opportunity to get this done well!

What's happening in my kitchen .... the dishwasher is quietly doing its job. I'm about to start working on my raspberry cheesecake for Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow with our family, and our neighbors down the lane. Lamps are on now that dusk has settled in.

What's outside my window .... it was an amazing day with pure blue skies, no wind, warm sunshine and the bugs are disappearing. So much nicer to work in the garden when I don't have critters crawling on me or trying to take my blood. I love Fall the best ~ less bugs!

What I'm thankful for .... my family, my home, my friends and our community.

What I'm smelling .... the chocolate I'm enjoying as it melts in my mouth. We fast each day from 8 pm until 12 noon, so this is my treat for the day. Yummy!

What I'm hearing .... the show dh is watching, the dishwasher and dd's laughter from upstairs as she chats with someone on the phone.

What I'm crafting .... actually doing a big purge of our Art Studio so we can get our Fall projects all organized. I have the opportunity to also have elective surgery in November and I'm planning on what I can work on while I recover. 

What's on my mind .... potential surgery (see above) and all that I'd like to get done before that day so I can recover without feeling that there are things that need to be done. Yes, I am a planner!

Words to live by .... sweet quote above. I try to live with words like this every day. And hope others do too.

Having an amazing week!

~ Chy


Debi said...

I like the quote that you posted. Good luck with your surgery and your recovery. Fall is my favorite season too, but it has nothing to do with the lack of bugs! I just like the "hunker down" feeling of fall. And the weather... not too hot, not too cold... just right! Have a great week!

Chy said...

Thank you Debi. Our local hospital now has quite a big outbreak of Covid, so just waiting to hear if I'll be cancelled OR moved to the private clinic option. Hoping for the 2nd one. I love Fall but we have had a bit of snow already ~ way too early!

Have an amazing week!

X Chy