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November 30, 2022

Safely Home.

We arrived home from Disney late in
the middle of the night. Our trip was
uneventful in the travel department,
except for the very end, when dd did
check her bags as they needed to have
some "volunteers" do this so the plane
overhead bins were not overloaded.
But it backfired on us as it took 2
hours for the bags to move from the
plane to the retrieval area. Everyone
was tired, so we all just sat on the
ground and waited. This is just one
of the reasons why we never check
our bags! So thankful though for a
healthy, fun, economical trip, with
no issues except this one. A photo
of the pillow we bought that we had
no idea it opened up into a blanket
until we got it truly all the way home.
So soft and sweet, with "and they
lived happily ever after." It's so very
perfect for our bedroom window seat!

~ Chy

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