Years ago, I watched a show about hoarding
and it scared the heck out of me that having
"collections" can lead to over crowding in a
home. Since then, and now that our children
are grown and the house isn't full of toys, we
have made a very conscious choice to still love
our items that we collect but ensure they all
have a spot AND that we don't have to have
every single item within a collection. This
has worked well for us. However, the book
collection we have amassed over the years is
a bit much! So much so we've actually joked
that we need to build an addition on to the
cottage that would be exclusively a library!
I know many people who read a book and
pass it along, and we do purge at least once
a year. But the books we have, we do read
again and again, and can't imagine parting
with them. Too precious to us! Is it actual
hoarding? No, it is our love of reading ....
💗 Chy 💗