About Me

January 4, 2025

Into the Gray.

"The weather is a friend if you make it one.
I look forward to the gray, quiet time for
solitude, contemplation, reading, long
conversations with friends. Colors are softer,
sounds have more depth, the pace is gentler.
Instead of resentment at the lack of sun, snuggle
into the gray velvet quilt and make yourself
a cup of tea."  Written by Jennifer Jones

I love these words by Jennifer Jones. Such an amazing way to describe Winter in our region. It may be gray outside, but inside, we are full of life, activities, memories and love. I'm not always crazy about the season but love it at Christmas, and on those days where we can choose to stay home when it's nasty outside, or we're forced to stay home if it's too dangerous to travel anywhere. Those are the days we're extra thankful for our warm little cottage, and work that lets us have the flexibility to just be. Making a pot of soup, steeping our tea, and cuddling down with warm blankets and sweet lights make those gray days very precious. Yesterday was a brutally cold one, with temperatures hitting almost - 40 C. A stay at home day for sure. Today, the numbers were better but the wind did keep the air bitter. We spent some time at our new centre, folding laundry, putting the dishwasher on, hanging curtains and installing blinds. Though we are now open, we still have a small task list that we're trying to complete before we go on our trip. Just a few more items and then we'll be all done. Looking so good! I shared with dh today that it now feels like out 2nd home, not an office, or clinical space, but another version of our cottage here in the big woods. This one just happens to be in the little hamlet, though there is a forest to explore across the road. So happy we chose this amazing spot. 

Enjoy your Sunday tomorrow!

💗 Chy 💗

1 comment:

A Brit in Tennessee said...

So very cozy, the words wrap their warmth around you. Winter has set in and nesting has arrived, natures way of allowing us to slow down, and cocoon . Snow is falling as I type, a fresh pot of tea awaits.