About Me

January 18, 2025

Some girls ....

"Some girls want a Birkin. I just want a 100 year
old cottage on 50 acres, with a thrift store nearby."

I would add in the following: and a book store around the corner, with a coffee shop that has local musicians and freshly baked scones. We actually have these in our little hamlet and I love we can live in the big woods but still have lovely places to explore and be. I will also add in to this sweet dream that we have our amazing cottage but it's not 100 years old. It looks old because of the bits of character we added in but reality is, our build was just 10 years ago (still feels brand new) and we don't have 50 acres, just 2 but we live in a subdivision and have farmland all around us. Our little plot of land is likely the smallest in our area but we love it and didn't feel the need to have more than we have. So much to take care of already. We wanted to live a quieter life, not be tied down by mowing a million hours over the weekend. And we also wanted to see our neighbors, which in the Summer we can't see other homes or lights but in the Winter, when the leaves are gone, we can see some lights and our neighbors homes. The best of it all. It's so beautiful right now with all the snow, and honestly, the only thing I ever am not fond of is the icy roads at times (infrequent but part of life in the country) and the occasional wind storm that scares me! We are at a time in our life where we can stay home when the weather is bad, and we get our trees checked each year to ensure any that may be more prone to falling are taken down. A very peaceful life!

                                  💗 Chy 💗

1 comment:

Gina said...

It all sounds lovely and a peaceful life is my goal, too!