About Me

January 21, 2024

Right Here. Right Now.

What I'm wearing .... it's a pyjama day in our little cottage in the big woods, with the snow falling softly outside and no where to go, we chose to stay in and being Hygge all day!

What I'm reading .... currently reading a lot of documents as I start shadowing in a new program I'll be bringing to our community thru our Centre. Dry material but needed to ensure we can support our clients with all the latest and greatest info, and best theory for this unique program. 

What's happening in my kitchen .... dh just popped me some lovely popcorn but we'll be cooking dinner together tonight. Roasted chicken with veggies, and a fresh Caesar salad.

What's outside my window .... it's snowing off and on today. Big Christmas Eve flakes. Sky is cloudy but the best part of the day is it's a very balmy - 12 C. After a long spell of - 30 to - 50 C, this is the nicest gift from the heavens today!

What I'm thankful for .... my family, my home, my friends and our community. Feeling blessed, safe and loved.

What I'm smelling .... the laundry is tumbling in the dryer, so there is a faint smell of fresh clothes! Love the scents.

What I'm hearing .... kids downstairs chattering away and some low roars from the theatre room downstairs as dh and dd are playing a game of golf. I have the tv on low with classical music and the dryer is doing its thing. Lots of noise but all at quiet levels. Loving our day at home, Hygge style.

What I'm crafting .... working on better organizing my dollhouse collection and progress. I've been researching and now choosing the exterior colors of all my dollhouses. Sorting my supplies, both building and furniture and accessories, including decor. Feeling inspired now!

What's on my mind .... the cold, those who live outdoors and the powers that be that need to do more to support the houseless in our community. Oh my hurting heart.

Words to live by .... we have embraced the Hygge movement. Truthfully, we were doing this well before it became a trend but I love talking about what it means for our lifestyle, in a community that does have to spend part of the year indoors due to our 4 seasons. Hygge is embracing this and leaning in to it, to carve out the best ways to be cozy, finding ways to connect with other who also live this, and to increase creativity by giving time and space for being. It definitely makes it a nicer way to live in a Northern climate. Are you familiar with Hygge? If so, what do you do to embrace it? 

Hope you enjoy this week's quote.

Having an amazing week!

~ Chy

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