About Me

January 14, 2024

Right Here. Right Now.

"Forgive people in your life, even those who are
not sorry for their actions. Holding on to anger
only hurts you, not them."    ~  Unknown

What I'm wearing .... white leggings, white socks with pink flowers and a pink hoodie that is like a camo pattern, with about 4 different shades of pink. Soft and warm.

What I'm reading .... so much reading while we're stuck inside with the Polar Armageddon is ongoing outside. I've been reading a novel, my favorite magazines and today, the Lego catalogue showed up in our mail box.

What's happening in my kitchen .... dh is making a delicious dinner, though I have no idea what it is. Love when he surprises me! I feel so spoiled when he makes our dinners.

What's outside my window .... some snow, though not as much as we need. And frost, frozen fog, sun, clouds, wind, breezes and silence. Quite a mixed bag today but the major message is it is so cold outside, it is now dangerous to be out there. So we've cozied down to stay in, working on projects and getting caught up on things we wish we had more time to do. Love our cozy studio.

What I'm thankful for .... my family, my home, my friends and our community. Feeling blessed, safe and loved.

What I'm smelling .... dinner cooking. Now I'm trying to guess what it is. Smells yummy, as always!

What I'm hearing .... the tv is on for an awards show. The actress who portrayed Princess Diana in the final season on The Crown just won. She's amazing! So elegant and talented.

What I'm crafting .... not so much crafting but working on purging the Art Studio while I have the time until the weather changes. Hoping this ends soon ....

What's on my mind .... the cold, those who live outdoors and the powers that be that need to do more to support the houseless in our community. Oh my heart.

Words to live by .... a quote that spoke to me today. I have someone who has hurt me beyond belief. I cannot yet find it in my heart or my soul to forgive her.  I say yet but not even sure if it's possible to forgive. I recognize I carry the pain and she likely has moved on from her actions. Someone someday will hurt her in this manner and though I don't wish pain on anyone, I do now one day, it will come her way. Hope you enjoy this week's quote.

Having an amazing week!

~ Chy

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