About Me

June 2, 2022

Pink Blossoms.

Our Village house is on the market and I'm loving that the pink blossoms on the tree beside the path to the front door opened up this week. So pretty and light. I'm going to do a little digging around to see if I can split this tree as it's gotten quite large. Rather than tear it apart, or prune it right down, I'll see if we can split it instead. Lovely sweet tree for the acreage. If we can't split it, we'll visit the greenhouse and see if we can find the same species there.

Last week was beyond great but this week has been hard ~ working through each item on my list. Challenges are to be expected and I always dread when they come up but feel great after once I can work through the pieces. Excited about the Summer ahead and looking forward to our music festival, landscaping the last bits of our land and planning our Disney trip along the way. Hard work all around!

Long work day today but shorter tomorrow ~ thankful for this as our list of tasks for the Festival fills in any open spaces in the evening. So I'm going to enjoy a bit of shopping with dh tomorrow afternoon while we're out and about until it's time to head home and tackle the list. Hope your Friday is amazing and you have many plans for a great weekend!

~ Chy

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