About Me

January 10, 2025

All Grown Up.

When I was a small child, I remember my dad
being so excited one Christmas morning when
he opened a package and there was a brand new
wallet in a small box. He was beyond thrilled.
My first thought was "why would you ask for
something as boring as a wallet?" And in that
moment, always promised myself to ask for
items that were dreamy and a true gift and not
something I "needed." Of course, now as an
adult, I'm at the point in my life where there
is really not much I want or need, but this year,
my old wallet was beyond repairable and it was
time for a new model. Look what my dh found.
A sweet pink leather wallet, with many tiny
slots inside for my cards, a place for bills, a
zippered section for coins, and a spot for my
id. I love the little leaf and the mottled look
of the leather. Truly, a need but also a want. I
guess its time to proclaim that I'm all grown up!
I never would have guessed I'd be so thrilled.

💗 Chy 💗

January 6, 2025

Yes, I CAN Cook!

I may have said this before, but I'm pretty sure my kids grew up thinking I didn't know how to cook. The truth is, I love to cook and baking is a passion. But I can rarely get into the kitchen because my dh loves to cook and he took over the cooking when we got married. He wanted me to concentrate on my studies, on my career path and then our family. Even when he went back to University, he would be home early in the afternoon, and dinner was his commitment. Truly I didn't fight it, as I would rather cut the grass or play with the kids. So it was a great arrangement. Now that I have a very small contract after retiring from palliative care, I've been figuring out ways to get back into the kitchen. I collect recipes ~ grand dinners I want to create, baking to fine tune and scrumptious dishes to explore.

The photos above show my latest attempt to feed my family and have them love my dish, knowing the daddy guy had no hand in it! It's a Garlic Parmesan Cheese Tortellini Chicken and Broccoli. And I can happily report it went over very, very well. Easy to make, so tasty and everyone had more than one helping! I had one tiny helping that was leftover today for lunch. Next time, I'll make a double batch so we can have more the next day.  A great success!!

I'm off to gather more recipes ....

💗 Chy 💗

January 4, 2025

Into the Gray.

"The weather is a friend if you make it one.
I look forward to the gray, quiet time for
solitude, contemplation, reading, long
conversations with friends. Colors are softer,
sounds have more depth, the pace is gentler.
Instead of resentment at the lack of sun, snuggle
into the gray velvet quilt and make yourself
a cup of tea."  Written by Jennifer Jones

I love these words by Jennifer Jones. Such an amazing way to describe Winter in our region. It may be gray outside, but inside, we are full of life, activities, memories and love. I'm not always crazy about the season but love it at Christmas, and on those days where we can choose to stay home when it's nasty outside, or we're forced to stay home if it's too dangerous to travel anywhere. Those are the days we're extra thankful for our warm little cottage, and work that lets us have the flexibility to just be. Making a pot of soup, steeping our tea, and cuddling down with warm blankets and sweet lights make those gray days very precious. Yesterday was a brutally cold one, with temperatures hitting almost - 40 C. A stay at home day for sure. Today, the numbers were better but the wind did keep the air bitter. We spent some time at our new centre, folding laundry, putting the dishwasher on, hanging curtains and installing blinds. Though we are now open, we still have a small task list that we're trying to complete before we go on our trip. Just a few more items and then we'll be all done. Looking so good! I shared with dh today that it now feels like out 2nd home, not an office, or clinical space, but another version of our cottage here in the big woods. This one just happens to be in the little hamlet, though there is a forest to explore across the road. So happy we chose this amazing spot. 

Enjoy your Sunday tomorrow!

💗 Chy 💗

January 2, 2025

New Years Eve.

After a busy Christmas season, we had quite a quiet but very welcome New Years Eve to ring in 2025. Dh made an amazing pork roast, rubbed with his special mixture, then wrapped in thick maple bacon, with rosemary on top. Not in the photo are the beautiful veggies he also roasted. We've never been big meat eaters ~ we were actually vegetarians for years. But when I became protein malnourished, we added chicken to our diet, and then some pork. I can't tolerate beef but seafood has been helpful as well. I still can't eat very much meat but dh has worked hard to figure out what I can tolerate. This was a new recipe he created and it was beyond amazing. I even had second helpings the next day! He also introduced me to a blueberry gin that was so smooth and bubbly. We ate well this season! So yummy.

For the evening, I spent some time building 1 of 2 dollhouses for our new childcare centre. It was pretty easy to put together. Well made and strong, it should hold up well with our littles in our care. You can't see all the furniture in these shots but the rooms are outfitted quite nicely. With room for adding more in as we grow. I'm hoping everyone will enjoy these new additions to our classroom. I know I did!

I'm excited for 2025. This past year was one filled with growth, healing, new experiences and incredible opportunities. It also, like any year, had moments that were hard, times when I felt we were truly moving backwards, some not pleasant experiences and missed opportunities. But overall, a much better year than 2023, with freedom and a new level of authenticity that was very present in my own little life. 

Wishing you all the best year ever for 2025!

💗 Chy 💗

January 1, 2025

Europe Dreams.

The two of us visiting Walt Disney
World in June of 2023. Amazing trip!

We were with his company for the 2nd
week but the 1st week was our time to
celebrate my retirement from my long
term position and to our new beginnings.

Our previous trip had been to Disneyland
in November of 2022. For 2024, we had
thought about going for our milestone
anniversary but the building of our new
centre took so much time, we let it go.
Then dh's company announced a trip to
Spain for a conference and invited all
the partners to attend to help celebrate
their 30th anniversary. We decided to
add in a week in Paris before the work
conference so we could visit Euro Disney.
After booking our flights a few days just
before Christmas, we took some time
today to book our 1 hotel close to the
Park, then started to look at our 2nd
hotel that will be in Paris, along with
our train tickets to get from Paris over
to Spain, but that made me pretty anxious
so we took a break. We'll book the rest
of the next few days. Then we'll be all
ready once we get to our dates. For now,
it will be lots of dreaming. The 2nd
week is all paid for by his company and
all planned out, so that will be so very
relaxed. I'm nervous about flying over
the sea but know this is too fun to pass.

A beautiful start to the New Year!

💗 Chy 💗

December 31, 2024

Happy New Year.

Happy New Year 2025!!

I've read so many posts tonight with a common
theme ~ an excitement to be done with 2024 with,
as so many have shared "the bad year I wish never
happened." I'm so sad for this common sentiment.
As someone who has had some not so great times
in my own life, including moves far from family,
the losses of parents and grandparents, the tragic
losses of 8 of our 12 babies, and disappointments
with moments that didn't quite work out. I'm sad
because even though any type of loss or not so great
experience can make us wish for better, there is a
lesson to be learned from the bad things that happen
to good people. Or the things we can't control that
make life difficult for a time. The lesson is what we
decide to do with anything that life throws at us. I
do firmly believe we have choices, not in what did
take place, but how we'll navigate it. We can give up,
lean in, ignore it, or grow and heal. I choose the last
one, even if at times it appears it will never be ok. I
do believe things can turn around, and with intention,
we can learn so it doesn't happen again, or we can 
be better than the experience. I hope this all makes
sense. I hope that whoever is having a difficult time,
remember that you are alive, breathing and every
morning is a new day. Namaste for whatever life
has sent your way. Be well. Stay safe. Live and love.

💗 Chy 💗

Goodbye December.

Very frosty month full of wonder and excitement.
The opening of our new centre. Welcoming new
team members, and sweet new families. Gifts to
share and kind words to the World. Twinkly lights
and yummy treats. Moving my aging mom to her
new home. Planning for a big trip. A great month!

 💗 Chy 💗

December 30, 2024

Child~Focused Quote.

A favorite quote for Dr. Gordon Neufeld. We were
fortunate to meet him a number of years ago at a
homeschooling conference. Even my youngest dd
at the time was intrigued. Hanging this at our centre.

💗 Chy 💗