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March 1, 2025

March Bucket List.

We have been so fortunate to have a really love "early Spring" though my daughter keeps reminding us that our "3rd Winter" should come along anytime soon! One can only hope. After a week of bitter cold, this past week was filled with beautiful blue skies, warm air and melting snow. It's slushy and I have no idea what color our car is, but the feeling that just around the corner, we'll soon be seeing buds on trees and flowers in our garden makes me so happy. It feels lighter. I wore a sweater to the centre yesterday, instead of a big Winter coat and boots, with hat and scarf, and layers of mitts. It was nice to put on a cotton pair of socks, instead of my wool ones. And to not have to warm up our wheat bag to warm our bed at night. If "3rd Winter" comes along, this little reprieve has been so lovely for my heart and my spirit. 

Love the "March Bucket List" as my visual for today. It has me excited for this month. The thought of starting some seeds inside, to wear lighter clothes and to decorate for St. Patrick's Day makes me smile! As a 4th generation Irish lassie (maybe 3rd, not sure how it works), this is one of my favorite celebrations. A whimsical day that truly signifies Spring for me. I've put all of Christmas away now, and have started to get out the green for the day. And then a bit of Spring is happening too. Changed out the front door wreath and hung up the wind chimes on the back deck. We couldn't put "Bruce the Moose" away as he's actually buried under some ice but once that melts, we'll hang him to dry and then tuck him away until next Winter. I'm starting think about our Spring projects for outside and what we'd like to accomplish this year. 

Hope you are starting to get excited about Spring!

💗 Chy 💗

February 16, 2025

Spring Dreaming.

The last few years, we've had pretty mild
Winters. Not much snow, though we did
have a few good snowfalls. No real storms
though. Late Falls and early Springs. We did
appreciate these and hoped for many more
Winters but truly this year, we've had a lot of
snow! Lots of sun, a bit of cold, no storms
but snow, snow, snow! The good thing is we
we all hope it will help keep forest fires at
bay. So today, a little bit of Spring dreaming!

💗 Chy 💗

February 1, 2025

Hello February.

The shortest month of the year and often
the coldest here in Northern Canada. But
also the month of pretty flowers, yummy
chocolate and an extra abundance of love!

💗 Chy 💗

January 21, 2025

Book Collection.

Years ago, I watched a show about hoarding
and it scared the heck out of me that having
"collections" can lead to over crowding in a
home. Since then, and now that our children
are grown and the house isn't full of toys, we
have made a very conscious choice to still love
our items that we collect but ensure they all
have a spot AND that we don't have to have
every single item within a collection. This
has worked well for us. However, the book
collection we have amassed over the years is
a bit much! So much so we've actually joked
that we need to build an addition on to the
cottage that would be exclusively a library!
I know many people who read a book and
pass it along, and we do purge at least once
a year. But the books we have, we do read
again and again, and can't imagine parting
with them. Too precious to us! Is it actual
hoarding? No, it is our love of reading ....

💗 Chy 💗

January 18, 2025

Some girls ....

"Some girls want a Birkin. I just want a 100 year
old cottage on 50 acres, with a thrift store nearby."

I would add in the following: and a book store around the corner, with a coffee shop that has local musicians and freshly baked scones. We actually have these in our little hamlet and I love we can live in the big woods but still have lovely places to explore and be. I will also add in to this sweet dream that we have our amazing cottage but it's not 100 years old. It looks old because of the bits of character we added in but reality is, our build was just 10 years ago (still feels brand new) and we don't have 50 acres, just 2 but we live in a subdivision and have farmland all around us. Our little plot of land is likely the smallest in our area but we love it and didn't feel the need to have more than we have. So much to take care of already. We wanted to live a quieter life, not be tied down by mowing a million hours over the weekend. And we also wanted to see our neighbors, which in the Summer we can't see other homes or lights but in the Winter, when the leaves are gone, we can see some lights and our neighbors homes. The best of it all. It's so beautiful right now with all the snow, and honestly, the only thing I ever am not fond of is the icy roads at times (infrequent but part of life in the country) and the occasional wind storm that scares me! We are at a time in our life where we can stay home when the weather is bad, and we get our trees checked each year to ensure any that may be more prone to falling are taken down. A very peaceful life!

                                  💗 Chy 💗

January 10, 2025

All Grown Up.

When I was a small child, I remember my dad
being so excited one Christmas morning when
he opened a package and there was a brand new
wallet in a small box. He was beyond thrilled.
My first thought was "why would you ask for
something as boring as a wallet?" And in that
moment, always promised myself to ask for
items that were dreamy and a true gift, and
not something I "needed." Of course, now as
an adult, I'm at the point in my life where there
is really not much I want or need, but this year,
my old wallet was beyond repairable and it was
time for a new model. Look what my dh found.
A sweet pink leather wallet, with many tiny
slots inside for my cards, a place for bills, a
zippered section for coins, and a spot for my
id. I love the little leaf and the mottled look
of the leather. Truly, a need but also a want. I
guess its time to proclaim that I'm all grown up!
I never would have guessed I'd be so thrilled.

💗 Chy 💗

January 6, 2025

Yes, I CAN Cook!

I may have said this before, but I'm pretty sure my kids grew up thinking I didn't know how to cook. The truth is, I love to cook and baking is a passion. But I can rarely get into the kitchen because my dh loves to cook and he took over the cooking when we got married. He wanted me to concentrate on my studies, on my career path and then our family. Even when he went back to University, he would be home early in the afternoon, and dinner was his commitment. Truly I didn't fight it, as I would rather cut the grass or play with the kids. So it was a great arrangement. Now that I have a very small contract after retiring from palliative care, I've been figuring out ways to get back into the kitchen. I collect recipes ~ grand dinners I want to create, baking to fine tune and scrumptious dishes to explore.

The photos above show my latest attempt to feed my family and have them love my dish, knowing the daddy guy had no hand in it! It's a Garlic Parmesan Cheese Tortellini Chicken and Broccoli. And I can happily report it went over very, very well. Easy to make, so tasty and everyone had more than one helping! I had one tiny helping that was leftover today for lunch. Next time, I'll make a double batch so we can have more the next day.  A great success!!

I'm off to gather more recipes ....

💗 Chy 💗

January 4, 2025

Into the Gray.

"The weather is a friend if you make it one.
I look forward to the gray, quiet time for
solitude, contemplation, reading, long
conversations with friends. Colors are softer,
sounds have more depth, the pace is gentler.
Instead of resentment at the lack of sun, snuggle
into the gray velvet quilt and make yourself
a cup of tea."  Written by Jennifer Jones

I love these words by Jennifer Jones. Such an amazing way to describe Winter in our region. It may be gray outside, but inside, we are full of life, activities, memories and love. I'm not always crazy about the season but love it at Christmas, and on those days where we can choose to stay home when it's nasty outside, or we're forced to stay home if it's too dangerous to travel anywhere. Those are the days we're extra thankful for our warm little cottage, and work that lets us have the flexibility to just be. Making a pot of soup, steeping our tea, and cuddling down with warm blankets and sweet lights make those gray days very precious. Yesterday was a brutally cold one, with temperatures hitting almost - 40 C. A stay at home day for sure. Today, the numbers were better but the wind did keep the air bitter. We spent some time at our new centre, folding laundry, putting the dishwasher on, hanging curtains and installing blinds. Though we are now open, we still have a small task list that we're trying to complete before we go on our trip. Just a few more items and then we'll be all done. Looking so good! I shared with dh today that it now feels like out 2nd home, not an office, or clinical space, but another version of our cottage here in the big woods. This one just happens to be in the little hamlet, though there is a forest to explore across the road. So happy we chose this amazing spot. 

Enjoy your Sunday tomorrow!

💗 Chy 💗