About Me

January 22, 2024

Passionate Work.

Both dh and I have careers that are our true passions, using the best of our skills, and our long and varied eclectic educational journeys. Makes a work day so much easier when you get to do what you love, exactly when you want to, and for how long you want. But there are days, I want to shut off dh's screens when he keeps going. He has great boundaries most of the time. And other times, he just keeps working. It may because there is a deadline, or he's on a roll, and I do this sometimes too. Finding the balance is key and I know we are both always navigating this. It can be cyclical too, depending on the time of year, especially if we're both busy writing grants to ensure our projects are funded. Not an easy task but it's part of the process. Always ongoing.

I love this shot I took of dh when he was working a bit extra one night last week. It was another bitter cold day and he needed to stay focused for a project. So proud of his tenacity, and his values. It pays off when the community responds as well. Truly feel this year is going to work out for his work and his creative pursuits. The music club has been sold out every month so far, and now the big work for the Summer festival is ramping up. Everything is booked, announcements have been made, tickets are selling but now we need to find the funding we have based our budget on, versus waiting for tickets to sell. I sleep better at night knowing the expenses are covered. Waiting for revenue to come in during the event would be sooo stressful! Excited for the event this year. 

What are your work and life passions?

~ Chy


diane in northern wis said...

First time here......liking your post. Hope to see more as time goes along. Good luck in all your projects!

Chy said...

Thank you for visiting Diane! And for your sweet encouragement.

X Chy