About Me

August 27, 2023

Right Here. Right Now.

"Set wide the window. 
Let me drink the day."

~ Edith Wharton ~

What I'm wearing .... jeans, bare feet and a Fall colored loose tank top with wavy hair from braids.

What I'm reading .... blogs, research and many emails.

What's happening in my kitchen .... the dishes are washing and we can hear the laundry room busily washing some clothes. Not so quiet tonight!

What's outside my window .... it was a hot and sunny day, with some cloud that made it not as bright at times.

What I'm thankful for .... my family, my home, my friends and our community.

What I'm smelling .... a candle we lit from Michaels. A new scent for Fall called "Autumn Walk." Feeling so cozy with this cozy scent in the air. And a bit of yellow outside.

What I'm hearing .... dh is watching a CFL game ~ our team is winning in the moment, which is truly a miracle.

What I'm crafting .... smalls boxes and cellophane to create gift "bags" for our upcoming baby loss gala in October.

What's on my mind .... things I don't wish to think about, so I read my mantras and set them aside. Very excited for new staff joining the team tomorrow.

Words to live by .... the sweet quote above. I love the graphic too. So very me, especially with the long, yellow dress!

Having an amazing week!

~ Chy


Sandi said...

great picture!

TheAwakenedSoul said...

Sounds wonderful. I love that yellow dress.