About Me

January 20, 2019

Hygge Day #9.

Hygge Photo Challenge Day #9:
Sweater. Last year (2017), for his
birthday, I bought dh the sweater
he's wearing in our annual photo
with our dearest friend. I'm wearing
the sweater my dh bought me this
year (2018) for my birthday. I love
sweaters. My closet and dresser are
full of them. But this one? Truly now
my favorite of all time. It's so super
soft. I can't even describe how soft.
I want to wear it every day but have
chosen to keep it for any and all
special days. Like when our dearest
friend comes over to spend time with
us, a few days after New Years, in 2019.

~ Chy


happyone said...

Your sweater does look nice a warm. I like the color too.

Chy said...

Thank you happyone! I love the color too. It's so warm and cozy. X Chy