About Me

February 16, 2025

Spring Dreaming.

The last few years, we've had pretty mild
Winters. Not much snow, though we did
have a few good snowfalls. No real storms
though. Late Falls and early Springs. We did
appreciate these and hoped for many more
Winters but truly this year, we've had a lot of
snow! Lots of sun, a bit of cold, no storms
but snow, snow, snow! The good thing is we
we all hope it will help keep forest fires at
bay. So today, a little bit of Spring dreaming!

💗 Chy 💗

February 1, 2025

Hello February.

The shortest month of the year and often
the coldest here in Northern Canada. But
also the month of pretty flowers, yummy
chocolate and an extra abundance of love!

💗 Chy 💗